, since 2012, Software developer (full stack) in different programming languages
Head of BioIT
, since 2023, Department of Pathology, Ulm University Hospital,
, 2022 - 2023, Member of kiz-Ausschuss (Kommunikations und Informationszentrum) Ulm University.
, 2020 - 2023, conception and project planning of the research data management system of the medical faculty Ulm University for non-personal data.
Safety officer
, since 2019, at Ulm University.
Fire protection assistant
, since 2019, at Ulm University.
Project team member
, 2018 - 2023, Institute for Medical Systems Biology at Ulm University in digitization projects such as DIFUTURE, ZPM, ZPMI, DNPM, ZIV, feelBack, and NUM-CODEX.
, 2018 - 2024, of the dean's office of the medical faculty of Ulm University.
System administrator
, 2015 - 2023, Medical Faculty of Ulm University, for various web servers and compute clusters of the Institute for Medical Systems Biology, the Core Unit Bioinformatics and Data Management, the CoreFacility Genomics, and Molecular Pathology, Ulm University.
Organizer and editor
of various conferences, 2015-2022, Statistical Computing, German-Japanese Symposium on Classification.
Lectures and presentations
at various conferences, meetings etc., 2014-2024, Gerontosys consortium meeting, Annual Conference of German Association for Aging Research, Statistical Computing, Systems Biology of Mammalian Cells, Leukemia Collaborative Research Center (SFB 1074), Center for Personalized Medicine (ZPM), German Network for Personalized Medicine (DNPM), European Conference on Data Analysis (ECDA), Cutting-Edge Implementation of Precision Medicine in Europe (JIM).